Rules and regulations

We understand that complying with regulations and responsibilities can be challenging. That’s why we’re here to provide you with the information you need to keep yourself, the community, and the environment safe.

If we ever need to issue you a notice regarding one of your trees, we will provide full details of your rights and responsibilities.

We have summarised below the six key points that you, as a tree owner in Waipā, need to be aware of in order to comply with the Electricity (Hazards From Trees) Regulations 2003:

  • If a tree under your responsibility encroaches upon the Notice Zone, you may receive a Hazard Warning Notice. This notice reminds you that you are required to prevent the tree from encroaching upon the Growth Limit Zone.
  • If Waipā Networks becomes aware of a tree you are responsible for that grows into the Growth Limit Zone, we will issue you a cut or trim notice.
  • You must trim the tree so it no longer infringes on the Notice Zone. You can apply for Dispensation if you believe you have a good reason for the tree to be allowed to grow closer to the lines than usual.


  • Waipā Networks will trim a tree free of charge the first time (provided we haven’t already done it before the Regulations took effect). After that, you are responsible for the costs of any future trimming.
  • You can declare ‘No Interest’ in a tree at any stage. Waipā Networks will meet the costs of future trimming, or we may remove the tree altogether.
  • When we identify a tree that poses a threat to our power lines, endangering the public or property, we will take action to remove the hazardous tree or branch.

You can also view the full Regulations online at or order a copy through your local bookstore.