We pay discounts to our customers twice a year through your Retailer electricity bill. Here’s some important information about how we calculate those discounts and some schedule changes:

Recent discount payments (rounded, including GST):

  • September 2023: $2.6 million, covering April to August 2023 (five months).
  • April 2024: close to $2.8 million (Estimated – actual will be slightly lower due to vacant properties), covering September 2023 to April 2024 (seven months).
  • June 2024: $408,000 as a special one-off additional discount covering the 12 months from April 2023 to March 2024.

Find out more about our discounts coming your way

Key change: Future discounts will cover six-month periods rather than the previous five and seven-month approaches.


  1. Do I qualify for a Discount?
    If you were physically connected to our networks and registered with an electricity retailer on or after 18 June 2024, you qualify for a discount.

  2. Why is a discount paid so soon after the last one?
    We allocate a certain amount in discounts each year. Our previous two discounts for the year ending 31 March 2024 totalled less than we had allowed, so we have decided to pay an extra discount.
  3. How is my share of the discount calculated?
    As this is a special one-off discount, we based your percentage share of the total discount on the percentage share you received for the previous two discounts.
  4. Why is my discount a lot lower this time?
    The last two discounts totalled around $4.7 million plus GST across all customers.  This latest discount totals around $355,000 plus GST, so it is a much smaller amount to be allocated to customers.

  5. What wording will show on my account?
    “Waipa Networks Discount” or a similar description will appear on your account.

If you have any questions or concerns that aren’t covered here, please contact our Customer Services team at retailservices@waipanetworks.co.nz or by phone at 0800 800 769. We’re here to help you and clarify the discounts you’re entitled to.